Stanford Pre-Collegiate Studies Conferences

As part of Stanford Continuing Studies, Stanford Pre-Collegiate Studies is committed to providing opportunities for pre-college students and life-long learners. We offer Discovering Medicine @ Stanford every year and work with other organizations to host conferences on campus that explore medicine, science, puzzles, and mathematics.
Dozens of people gather in a large lecture hall.

Learn. Network. Grow.

Gather on campus with other brilliant minds to learn more about the fields that fascinate you. Our STEM conferences introduce cutting-edge research and help guide you on your educational paths.
Community of Scholars
Meet like-minded, passionate people who are interested in questions that drive you.
Stanford Expertise
Stanford University is a hub of excellence in all fields, so you will learn from the best scholars and professionals.
Academic Year
Our programs run throughout the academic year, going beyond the school curriculum.
STEM Excellence
Learn about the future of medicine, mathematics, science, and more.

Discover New Ideas

Students make a bridge with straws and tape.
A student stands up to speak in a lecture hall.
Students hold medical dummies during a demonstration.
With several conferences for middle school students, high school students, and life-long learners, our programs allow you to celebrate your passions with fellow enthusiasts. Learn more about the field of medicine, cutting edge developments in mathematics, or the world of puzzles in our year-round conferences.